Sunday 8 September 2013

4 things businesses can learn from Labor's election defeat

Wise are those who learn from their mistakes but wiser are those who learn from other people's mistakes so they don't have to pay the price for making those mistakes.
Here are four things that businesses should learn from Australian Labor Party's defeat in Australian Federal Election yesterday:
  1. If you want to succeed; you need to keep your promises. Whether the promises are about quality of product, timeliness of service or anything else, you just can't not deliver and get away with it. The clients/customers would leave you for others who would keep their promises.
  2. When you are trying to sell; focus on why people should buy from you and not why they shouldn't buy from someone else. There is no point in trying to shift the focus from your positives to someone else's negatives.
  3. The leadership should have one clear direction and you cant keep changing the leadership or the direction of the business every few months. Leadership and direction are about the long term not the short term.
  4. The team needs to have the same view as the leader. If the owner wants to take the business in one direction but has people in the staff that don't share the same view then the business is doomed to fail in the long run or have a team that is just not happy.
Suresh Rajani is the Business Leader at TAX FIRST - an accounting and business advisory firm.

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